Metathesis in Language 2.0


Language Family
Malayo-Polynesian, Philippine


Metathesis occurs when two consonants become adjacent as the result of vowel loss.

In Cebu City dialect, the sequences /ʔC/ and /hC/ become [Cʔ] and [Ch] in affixed forms.

The /ʔVh/ sequence becomes [hVʔ].

In some words, two forms differing by virtue of metathesis can be used together.

Type(s) of metathesis

Type Status Optionality Position Location
a. CC Synchronic Obligatory Adjacent Root-final
b. CC Synchronic Obligatory Adjacent Root-final
c. CC Synchronic Obligatory Non-adjacent Root-internal
d. CC Synchronic Optional Both Root-internal

Case types and qualities


Metathesis occurs when two consonants end up being adjacent as the result of vowel loss. According to Wolff (1972), this occurs with sequences of a liquid or /s/ and a consonant. Note though that in the data given, nasals are also involved.

'enter it'
+-a --->
'drink it'
'wrap it'

In Cebu City dialect, the sequences /ʔC/ and /hC/ almost always become [Cʔ] and [Ch] in affixed forms (Wolff 1972:xii).

'kneel on'

Wolff (p. xiv) notes that there is competition between forms which differ by virtue of metathesis, e.g. [baʔgu] vs. [bagʔu] 'new'. He says that forms containing a sequence /Cʔ/ invariable compete with forms containing /ʔC/.

This is interesting from a sound change perspective. This dialect is shifting towards having the glottal after a consonant. This is consistent with the pattern observed in words (see frequency in related processes section). The dialect is changing toward the more frequent pattern.

The /ʔVh/ sequence becomes [hVʔ].
tu!u [tu!ʔu] 'believe' + -an --> tuhu!an [tuhu#eʔan] 'believable'

In some words, two forms differing by virtue of metathesis can be used together.

bungdul ~ dungbul or dumbul 'poke'
itsa ~ ista 'throw'
baYgu [baʔgu] ~ bag-u [bagʔu] 'new'


Metathesis is conditioned by the loss of the vowel in the stem-final syllable triggered by suffixation


Relative frequency of preconsonantal vs. postconsonantal sequences with ʔ/h:
Out of approximately 7,500 words in Wolff's lexicon, I got the following results:
ʔC: 8 Cʔ: 0 hC: 0 Ch: 132


ʔ = glottal stop
' = stress marker ('V = stressed vowel)

See similar metatheses in the related language Tagalog.


Optional metathesis cases in (d) are not considered in filling in 'quality of segments' section.


  • Bunye, Maria Victoria R. & Elsa Paula Yap. 1971. Cebuano Grammar Notes. University of Hawaii Press: Honolulu.
  • Wolff, John U. 1972. A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan. Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program and Linguistic Society of the Philippines: New York.